Thoron Gardens

Jaffrey, NH
Meadow, Water feature, Fruit/vegetables, Rare plants/plant collection, Scenic view, Woodland/shade garden, Wheelchair accessible
The property includes a 230-year-old cottage/farmhouse renovated and surrounded by gardens, a view of Mount Monadnock, an eleven-acre wetland with beavers, an old/new orchard, mowed fields, and stone walls. Garden designers Gordon Hayward and Kristian Fenderson rovided help and put up with owner's strong ideas and vision, intermittently from 2006 to the present. Additional features include sixteen different gardens covering two acres: wetland, woodland, a formal/informal vegetable/cutting garden above a 40-foot perennial bed, roadside and driveway perennial borders, two formal boxwood gardens, a grove of river birch, 85 garden pots, climbing roses on the fence and trellis of the house, perennial curved lawn gardens, tall perennials adjacent to barn, a brick walkway, plus four small gardens and a kitchen garden adjacent to house.
Open Days 2021: Sunday, July 11
Hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Partial wheelchair access
Jaffrey, NH